

Save the Rhino

Kiezebrink supports Save the Rhino, they protect rhinos against poaching in many ways. In this message we would like to tell you more about the involvement of the local community.

Local community support is essential if we are to save the rhino. Rural villages around park borders are precisely the areas from which the criminals involved in trafficking wildlife products try to recruit people to assist them. That is why Save the Rhino funds conservation education programmes that share more about the incredible rhino populations near where people live.

To ensure its future, wildlife must benefit everyone. Save the Rhino champions community-led conservation, so that people living near rhinos are inspired to protect and value them.

Working with the people on the ground in local communities, Save the Rhino can understand much more about rhinos. They have specific programmes, such as Lolesha Luangwa in Zambia, that does exactly that, gaining insight and improving their methods to make rhinos even safer while encouraging future generations to continue to safeguard their precious rhinos.

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